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Enerstar America SpA

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Enerstar Group has been studying since 2010 the Chilean and Peruvian RE markets and has been contacting industry players to assess the implementation of solar thermal plants in both countries. As a result of these efforts, in September 2012, we were invited to participate as speakers at the International Conference on Non-Conventional Renewable Energies held in Santiago de Chile, organized by the Green Power Conference.

Since then, development activities started and numerous contacts with Chilean and Peruvian companies and international mining industries, financial institutions, government agencies, and prospects were established.

In July 2013 we constituted in Santiago Enerstar America SpA, our development company for renewable energy projects in South and Central America

We scouted thoroughly locations within a vast area in the north of Chile and also in Peru. All of the pre selected locations are at a short distance of main electrical substations which could become possible evacuation points for our CSP projects.

After this initial phase our experts have been working with the short list of pre selected sites collecting information in Chile, in  Maria Elena (Tocopilla) and Yumbes (Taltal), and also in Peru in Piura and Moquegua regions.

Today the company is actively working on the development of the project Enerstar Maria Elena.

Enerstar America SpA is a development company for renewable energy projects in South and Central America
Enerstar Solar Thermal Project S.A. · C.I.F A97805568
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 44546, Folio 160, Hoja B 459422, Inscrip. 18
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