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Enerstar Osuna

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The first generation of solar power plants in Spain is very near to completion and will all be fully operational by the end of 2013. It is time, therefore, to start thinking about the characteristics required for the second generation of CSP plants in Spain.



With this mind, our project aims for the preliminary design of a solar thermal power plant of 10 MW, through an innovative system which integrates the concepts of scalablesolutions, multi solar towers, serial solar field and receiver, and thermal salt storage. In order to optimize plant performance and to support the storage system the plant will be hybridized with a biogas plant.This plant will validate the commercial viability of these combined technologies, while laying the groundwork for future major cost reduction in projects with this technology. The use of molten salt as a heat storage system and heat transfer fluid will increase the efficiency and managebilty of the plant.



The two main technology partners for Enerstar Osuna, SL in this project are Ferrostaal Solar, S.L.U. and  Ludan Renewable Energy Spain, SL


A 10 MW CSP plant from primary renewable sources: Solar and Biogas. Heliostats and tower receiver technology, four hours thermal salt storage and hybridization with a biogas plant.
Enerstar Solar Thermal Project S.A. · C.I.F A97805568
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 44546, Folio 160, Hoja B 459422, Inscrip. 18
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