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CSP Hybridization

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CSP hibryd plants, in which two renewable suorces of energy  like biomass and solar radiation are combined, constitute an interesting alternative in locations where biomass is abundant.

  • The heat provided by the biomass can be used during the months of lower solar radiation to improve the operation and the overall efficiency of the power plant.
  • Biomass can  also serve as an intermediate energy storage system.
  • Bioamass could be a mean to increase production, optimising the IRR of the investment.
  • in some cases using Biogas, to replace or supplement the biomass boiler, could improve even more the manageability of the CSP plant.


Hibrydization with other renewable sources of energy like biomass can improve under certain conditions the overall efficiency of CSP plants.
Enerstar Solar Thermal Project S.A. · C.I.F A97805568
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 44546, Folio 160, Hoja B 459422, Inscrip. 18
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